How To Congratulate The Boss

How To Congratulate The Boss
How To Congratulate The Boss

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Greetings from the boss on any holiday most often differs from the congratulations of other employees - both preparation is a little more troublesome, and the action itself is a little more exciting. Of course, it all depends on what kind of relationship you have with your boss. If strictly official, then the congratulatory action will be restrained, businesslike and tactful. If you have “freedom, equality and brotherhood” in your team, then you can arrange a comic friendly congratulation.

How to congratulate the boss
How to congratulate the boss


Step 1

First of all, you need to do the preparation. At least a week and a half, gather a small meeting in the team (of course, do not invite the boss), ask yourself how much you need to collect, what are the ideas for a gift and congratulations, who will undertake to raise money and make an acquisition, how you can arrange the presentation (song, poem and etc.). Distribute roles and responsibilities.

Step 2

Interview employees who are in frequent contact with your boss, for sure there is someone who knows about his preferences, hobbies, and what this person loves. Often such information is owned by the manager's personal secretary. Visit the shops with gifts; there are special souvenirs for chefs on sale - from comic to status. Look for your boss on social networks, maybe there is information about his hobbies. In this case, you do this not out of curiosity, but to help the common cause and please the person with the right gift.

Step 3

If the situation permits, prepare a congratulatory song to be sung by the entire department. Print out the text in advance and distribute to all participants. Rehearse at least once if possible. If one of the staff has a singing talent, give him the opportunity to sing alone, and the rest can sing along with the chorus.

Step 4

Another option is to prepare one or more small poems. In them, you can beat certain distinguishing qualities of the boss. Select verses and, if possible, slightly alter, substituting the name of the leader and descriptions of recognizable situations

Step 5

Order a cake with a photo print. For decoration, you can use a photo of the boss himself or the entire team captured at a corporate event. The advantage of such a gift is that the chef will have to treat everyone present with sweets.

Step 6

On the day of the holiday, choose the right time, it is not necessary to congratulate in the morning, when, perhaps, your boss will rush to an important meeting or be late for a meeting.
