A person who is not indifferent to you always wants to make a good unusual gift that will touch his heart. How not to make a mistake with the choice? How to make the most ordinary gift original?

Work-home-work, outings with friends on Fridays. This has been going on for several months. But wait a couple more weeks and the long-awaited vacation will come!
Airport, plane, warm air in your face, sea, impressions, joy. You can't list everything! And upon returning home - endless stories to friends, colleagues, relatives. And the thought that next year we need to go there too …
But back to choosing a gift. Give pleasant memories! After all, each of us has a place on Earth where we would like to return again and again. A place that we are ready to talk about with gusto for hours.
Our main task is to identify this place. To do this, you need to remember stories about your vacation or look at photos on social networks. As a last resort, start a vacation topic, ask for advice on where to go - and the person will tell you everything himself. It remains to choose the place that caused the most emotions.
The simplest, but also the most expensive gift will be a trip to the very beloved resting place. You can make your own adjustments - choose a hotel a little better, closer to the sea, order an additional excursion.
As for the more budgetary gifts, your imagination is needed here. For example, the person you will be giving a gift to likes Italy. Think, what is it in Italy? Pizza, parmesan, spaghetti? So you give a trip to an Italian restaurant or look for a recipe and cook something yourself. Those who have visited the countries of Southeast Asia are not indifferent to coconut oil. Various types of tea are popular in India and China, and coffee is popular in Africa and Brazil. Indonesia is famous for its rice wine, Germany and the Czech Republic for beer. So you can go on and on!
It will be very great if you can get a gift directly from the country that has sunk into your soul so much. In this case, you do not need to go there yourself. You can search online stores. Or maybe your friends are just going there? Why not ask them to bring something?
And quite simple - this is a picture depicting a favorite corner of the Earth. It is desirable that it be drawn from a photograph of the person to whom you will be giving it. This will indicate that you really did prepare!
And if the person has not been abroad? Not scary! Bathhouse, hunting, fishing, barbecue, shopping, gold, diamonds - all this is at your disposal!
There is an idea, and then you can implement it as your heart and fantasy tell you.