The short holidays in May allow you to take a short break before the final breakthrough of the school year. And good weather at this time allows the whole family to usefully spend time in the fresh air. So that these glorious days are not wasted, think in advance about what would be interesting and useful for your child.

Step 1
Take a short trip. Additional non-working days will allow you to travel by car through the territory of Russia or go abroad for a short time. The main thing is not to overload the child with information, because after short holidays the educational process will resume. Prepare information in advance about places that will be of interest to your children, for example, unusual museums or exhibitions. At the same time, you can visit relatives living in another region.
Step 2
Take an annual spring trip to the country. To prevent the child from getting bored there, invite friends with children of the same age or bring some classmates with you. Even cleaning the house and garden can be turned into an adventure, so don't be afraid to present boring jobs in the form of competitions. The winners, of course, are entitled to a prize. Alternatively, you can motivate your child to spend the night outdoors in a tent, weather permitting, or to go fishing in the morning.
Step 3
Create an interesting and varied entertainment program in your city of residence, if your plans do not include a trip. Take into account the weather factor, frosts often occur on May holidays, but in any case, after a long winter, it is better to move the main part of the events to the open air. You can take a long walk in the park, prepare food for birds and squirrels in advance, make feeders with your own hands. Have a classic picnic with sandwiches and tea right in the park. In the afternoon, you can take your children to the cinema or bowling alley, to fulfill their dream of visiting the water park.
Step 4
Do not forget to talk about Victory Day or brush up on this holiday. Emphasize the importance of this day for our country in general and for the child in particular. Watch the Victory Parade on Red Square on TV, try to interest you in military equipment. During mass festivities, invite your child to give flowers to veterans. This is useful for developing communication skills and for broadening one's horizons, because older people have a lot of interesting things to say. If there are people in your family who have gone through the Great Patriotic War, arrange a holiday for them, connect the child to the preparations.