When Is Igor's Name Day

When Is Igor's Name Day
When Is Igor's Name Day

Men with the name Igor celebrate name days twice a year. At the same time, the Orthodox saint, the heavenly patron of these men, is one person, glorified in the face of saints.

When is Igor's name day
When is Igor's name day

The patron saint of all Orthodox Igor is the Great Prince of Chernigov Igor Olegovich. The days of memory of this saint (respectively, and the name day for Igor) are October 2 and June 18.

Saint Prince Igor of Chernigov lived in a difficult time for Russia - in the XII century. This was the period in which, according to the Gospel words, the brother rebelled against the brother, and the children killed their parents. Our state was going through a time of fragmentation of principalities, internecine strife and political absurdities.

The future prince received holy baptism with the name George. Having matured and becoming a prince, the ruler was imbued with the spirit of internecine disagreements, took part in the bloodshed and eventually became the prince of Kiev. However, the people of Kiev raised a turmoil, inciting Izyaslav, the ruler of Pereyaslavl, against Igor. The Kiev prince was imprisoned.

While in captivity, Prince Igor remembered his Christian destiny. I rethought my life and sincerely brought repentance to God. This spiritual enlightenment determined the prince's desire to leave the world after his release and take monastic tonsure in the male Kiev Theodorov Monastery. In this monastery, the prince took monastic vows and became a monk with the name Gabriel.

In the monastery, the prince asceticised in deeds of fasting and prayer, worked hard and fulfilled obedience, growing in the great virtues of meekness and humility.

Soon, civil strife broke out again between the princes. Seeing the bloodshed, the people of Kiev suddenly remembered their hostility to the Olegovich family and decided to kill Prince Igor. The people burst into the temple of the monastery and found the prince praying during the liturgy. The divine service did not stop the indignant people - the prince was dragged out of the temple, and then brutally killed. This event took place in 1147.

The killed body of the prince was transferred to the temple for burial. At night, a miracle happened in the church: the lamps themselves lit up over the prince's tomb. During the funeral of the repentant righteous man, a pillar of light was seen above the temple. The amazing phenomenon was accompanied by thunder and earthquakes. These signs became evidence of the righteousness and holiness of the blessed prince.

In 1150, the relics of the righteous were solemnly transferred to his native Chernigov. In honor of this event, a commemoration of the blessed prince was established on June 18th.
