Despite the numerous tips on the right choice of gifts that can be found on the Internet, we receive and give not always perfect items. What to do if the New Year's gift was not needed, did not like it?

Having received a thing you don't really like as a gift, you should not get excited and return it to the donor or throw it away. Put the bad gift aside and think about it after a couple of days. In a relaxed environment, lay out all the things that you did not like and take a closer look at them. Perhaps you were in a hurry to judge them too harshly? But if you nevertheless decide to get rid of a gift that is unfortunate in your opinion, think about the fact that it may turn out to be a "dream thing" for someone else.
What can you do with gifts you don't need?
If you received an expensive, high-quality, but not very nice (for your taste) item, you can transfer it. Take away such a gift so that, when the opportunity arises, hand it to a person for whom it will most likely suit.
If you put something aside to donate, include a note with the donor's name in the package to avoid an awkward situation.
You do not have to wait for a suitable opportunity, but simply give the things that you did not like. For example, sweets that you don't like can be taken to work for a tea party with colleagues, or given a sweet tooth you know.
Think, maybe after some revision the received things will be useful to you? Try to show your imagination and redo what you think is not entirely beautiful or comfortable.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of frankly slipshod crafts on sale, made without much taste and from not very high-quality materials. If you are "lucky" to become the owner of one of these, then the easiest way is to throw this thing away.