How To Prepare For The New Year Without Stress And Unnecessary Costs

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How To Prepare For The New Year Without Stress And Unnecessary Costs
How To Prepare For The New Year Without Stress And Unnecessary Costs

Video: How To Prepare For The New Year Without Stress And Unnecessary Costs

Video: How To Prepare For The New Year Without Stress And Unnecessary Costs
Video: Good riddance, 2020: How to manage expectations and prepare for the year ahead 2024, October

New Year is a favorite holiday for many. But the pre-holiday bustle can ruin the mood of anyone. Therefore, in order for the holiday to be light and cheerful, you should prepare for it in advance.

Stress-free New Year
Stress-free New Year

Make a list of gifts

Without a list of gifts, you can go beyond the allocated budget and far exceed it. In addition, if you make a list in advance, then you can pick up a present for everyone with a soul. Write down not only what you want to give, but also the alternative. Suddenly something will not be on the shelves of the store. You should always keep the list at hand, crossing out what you have already purchased. And do not strive to buy everything in one day, so that there is no feeling of being overwhelmed. Set aside a month for gifts, starting in mid-November. And by purchasing them in advance, you will avoid queues, and there will still be time to pack them calmly.

Organize a party

For a fun New Year celebration, consider creating a themed party, contests, and entertainment. Make a list of people you invite. Distribute responsibilities between them, especially if there are children among the guests. Give one the task to make a playlist, the second to prepare contests for children, and so on. So that no one is offended and everyone is involved, arrange a toss.

Buy holiday decorations

New Year's assortment in stores begins to appear in November. Start looking at it in advance. As a rule, novelties and interesting products are bought up first. And the prices for jewelry are still affordable. From the middle of December, when the hype starts, the stores raise the price tag. In addition, low-quality and stale goods appear on the shelves.

Buy groceries

If you are planning to have a party at home, you should make a menu and a list of products in advance. To prevent costs "hitting" the wallet, products should be purchased in three stages.

The first stage is non-perishable foods. These include frozen meat products, hard rennet cheeses in a paraffin shell, butter, canned food, cereals, sweets, cookies, and alcoholic beverages. All of these products can be purchased 1 month before the holiday.

The second stage is perishable food. These include meat and fish semi-finished products, sour cream, milk, eggs, concentrated juices, and so on. A complete list can be found on the Internet. Accordingly, it is better to purchase such products two weeks before the holiday, not earlier. Many fruits can be bought during the same period.

The third stage is quickly perishable foods. These are chilled semi-finished products, cream, milk, boiled vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, catering dishes.

In addition, thanks to such a system, you will minimize the risk of buying expired products.

If there are a large number of invited people, then it is worth asking relatives and friends to bring a dish. This will save you both money and hassle.

Preparing for the New Year in advance, you will not only arrange a great holiday for yourself, but also please your family and friends. After all, they, too, will not have to be nervous until the very last minute, since they will know in advance what kind of help will be required from them, and will be able to allocate time.
