It's nice to feel like a welcome guest. How much is needed for this? Fleeting, but such a warm look of the mother; anecdote told by your brother to you; “I haven't seen you for a hundred years, let's go, have a smoke, tell me how you are doing” from a friend's side; "Put yourself another piece and be sure to try this" from the hostess of the house. Serving all guests in a way that makes each one feel important is an art worth learning as it is the key to a good and long-lasting relationship with people you care about.

Step 1
It is important to observe well-established traditions. A Russian proverb says: "They don't go on a visit for a visit, that there is nothing to dine at home." Indeed, in fact, people visit each other not to eat or drink, but primarily for pleasant communication. But, nevertheless, it is customary for us to feed the guest. These are our traditions and should not be abandoned.
Step 2
It is necessary to take care of the refreshments in advance so that the hostess of the house pays due attention to the guests, and does not spend all her time in the kitchen preparing the next dish.
Step 3
It is important not to forget about any invited guest. When setting the table, be sure to make sure that the number of items corresponds to the number of guests. It would be ugly if, in the midst of an event, you run to look for a fork or spoon for a late guest.
Step 4
It is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere and conditions for guests. The table should be set in such a way that the guest can easily reach for the treat; for this, use the area of the table wisely. Avoid placing food too close to each other, as your guests can get dirty when they take the treat.
Step 5
When guests begin to come to the house, the hosts should put all their business aside and devote themselves entirely to the guests.
Step 6
If the hostess of the house is forced for some reason to stay in the kitchen when all the guests are already assembled, other family members must be near the guests, introduce them to each other, if they are not familiar, entertain them with conversations, offer an aperitif.
Step 7
In order to keep the guests occupied, you can think of several entertainments for them in advance. If the owners are not confident in their abilities, then you can invite a toastmaster or a person who is able to occupy the society better.
Step 8
For the holiday to be a success, the hosts must be good-natured and welcoming, you should not show your guests your excitement and anxiety. This confuses the guests, they start to feel uncomfortable.
Step 9
You also need to be careful not to overdo the attention given to guests. A few nice words and compliments to everyone will be enough.