On a birthday, it is best to protect mom from preparing festive dishes for all those invited and to organize a celebration in a restaurant. And in order for the evening to stand out among other holidays, it is necessary to think over a program, each of the points of which will be devoted, of course, to the birthday girl.

Step 1
Think about what kind of holiday your mom would prefer. Perhaps she likes home feasts with relatives or friends, but it is likely that she would like to visit a restaurant or go to the theater that day. Another option for celebration is a joint trip to the country house or on vacation. Based on your mom's preferences, plan a special event.
Step 2
Contact mom's relatives and friends living in other regions. Invite them to the celebration. In order not to settle everyone in the same apartment, rent a suitable room or book a hotel room.
Step 3
Rent a restaurant or café if you don't want to prepare a holiday treat at home. Pre-study the menu, order the organization of a banquet. It is much more convenient when snacks and hot meals will be served on the tables at the appointed time. Otherwise, guests will have to study the restaurant's menu and wait for the ordered dishes to be prepared.
Step 4
Ask each of the invitees (or a married couple) to think over their congratulations. You can set the style of the celebration, for example, throw your mom a Hawaiian party or a Hollywood-style celebration, it all depends on the preferences of the birthday girl. Give the floor to each congratulatory person, accompany it with kind comments.
Step 5
Surprise your mom. For example, a particularly dear guest may arrive right in the middle of a holiday. Or the restaurant administrator can ask mom to go outside about the parked car, and there are fireworks.
Step 6
Don't forget about quizzes and contests. To diversify the program, choose the most proactive mother's friend with experience in the role of toastmaster. Or take responsibility for yourself. Various riddles, poems, quizzes and contests are especially welcome (it is also possible to move, if space allows).
Step 7
Don't forget the music. It is quite possible that the invitees will want to remember the hits of past years, so write down your mother's favorite songs in advance or negotiate with the performers.