Christmas is one of the international holidays. In various countries, it is not only celebrated on different dates, but also celebrated in its own way. But in any country where Christmas is celebrated, people give gifts.

Step 1
In the UK, Christmas is a big family holiday. Everyone comes under the roof of their parents' house by December 25th, give gifts, look at family albums and eat traditional dishes. The most important Christmas dish is turkey. It is served with gooseberry sauce. The main festive dessert is a special pie (pudding) in which various decorative objects are placed. These little things predict the fate of the next year to whoever gets it. A coin, for example, means wealth, a horseshoe means good luck, and a ring means a wedding. Houses in England at Christmas are decorated with holly and mistletoe, if a man and a woman find themselves under the mistletoe, they are obliged to kiss.
Step 2
Greece, although an Orthodox country, celebrates Christmas with Europe on December 25th. This is one of the country's favorite holidays. It is celebrated with the whole family. The fruits of the earth are placed on the solemn table. Usually these are fruits, figs, nuts … But the main dish, as in England, is turkey. Even in Greece, they stock up on sweets in advance - kurabie cookies, honey cookies, sweets and candied fruits, which tease adults and children with their aroma.
Step 3
In Italy, both New Year and Christmas are recognized as the most delicious days. Families get together, exchange gifts and remember funny family stories. The Italian table is decorated with fish dishes, ravioli and Milanese cake. There are a lot of fish dishes on the tables, especially in the southern regions of Italy. Believers Italians attend Christmas masses in cathedrals, the Pope leads Mass in the main cathedral of the Vatican. On the eve of Christmas, traditional theatrical performances called the nativity scene are held in cities. The nativity scene itself denotes a cave. The performances depict the miracle of the appearance of the infant Christ. Similar performances take place in schools, in churches, and even on the streets.
Step 4
For Finns, Christmas is without a doubt the main holiday. They prepare for it in advance - decorate the house, clean up and buy gifts. Christmas begins here on the first of the five Sundays preceding Christmas itself. New Year's decorations are installed on the streets, in shops and public places, and concerts are held. Before Christmas Eve, Christmas trees are placed in houses, candles are lit on them. Sheaves for birds are put on the streets. On Christmas Eve, families gather, visit cemeteries, lighting tall candles on the graves of loved ones. Some families go to church services at five in the evening, others watch it on TV.