Catherine's birthday should be congratulated on December 7 according to the Orthodox calendar. Catholics congratulate their Catherines on November 25th. This is connected with the day of celebration of the day of memory of St. Catherine of Alexandria.

When to congratulate on a name day
It should be noted that birthday and name day are completely different holidays. Name days are celebrated on the day of the memory of the saint in whose honor the person is baptized. This may be the first after the birthday of a saint of the same name in the church calendar. Therefore, the name day for Catherine may be somewhat according to the number of Orthodox saints.
This should only be thought about if Catherine, who needs to be congratulated, is a practicing Christian who meticulously performs the rituals of her church.
But the day of the holy Great Martyr Catherine is considered the main day for all Catherine and, even if your friend or relative has another angel day, congratulations on this day will not be wrong, even according to strict church rules, this day is considered the day of namesake.
Orthodox Katya are congratulated on December 7 (November 24 according to the Julian calendar). Roman Catholics and Catholics of the Greek rite are congratulated on the new Gregorian calendar on November 25th. Name days are more of a church holiday, therefore, on this day, they usually wish more spiritual gifts and salvation of the soul, but the usual wishes of health and success will not be superfluous. You can donate an icon depicting a saint or a book, since according to legend, Catherine patronizes scholarship.
Who is Catherine of Alexandria
In order to compose a congratulation to Catherine, you should at least briefly know the life of the holy great martyr. The saint was born in Alexandria of Egypt into the family of a wealthy and well-born pagan. The beauty of Catherine did not beg her brilliant education, knowledge of philosophy and other sciences. At a young age, the saint converted to Christianity. She had a vision when Jesus Christ called her his bride and gave her a ring as a symbol of betrothal.
The emperor Maximinus, struck by her beauty and learning, began to persuade her to betray Christianity, but the great martyr rejected all the emperor's proposals, even the offer to become his wife, and withstood a dispute about the truth of Christianity with fifty pagan philosophers. Therefore, she suffered severe torment from the tyrant.
It is believed that the prototype of the great martyr Catherine was the woman philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria, who was killed by order of the Alexandrian Pope Cyril.
After her death, her body was taken by angels and carried to the top of Mount Sinai. Now in this place there is an Orthodox monastery named after her. The saint is considered the patroness of philosophy and the humanities.