As a rule, Shrovetide is celebrated exactly one week before the beginning of Lent. The celebration of Shrovetide is accompanied by sleigh rides from the icy mountains, lighting fires. Of course, what Shrovetide can be without the traditional baking of pancakes, which are a symbol of the sun.

Shrovetide is celebrated starting on Monday - the day of the meeting. On this day, all people meet Shrovetide, put on an outfit for a stuffed doll, erect snow slides and sing songs for the meeting. There are a lot of counter songs, so you should choose the one that is closer to your soul.
Earlier, on the opposite day, the father-in-law and mother-in-law would send their daughter-in-law to their home all day. The daughter-in-law was obliged to help the father and mother with the housework, because in the evening the father-in-law and mother-in-law came to visit the matchmakers. Over hot tea and delicious pancakes, in a calm and quiet atmosphere, they discussed what days which relatives to visit, how to spend the festive week.
Tuesday is considered a "play" day. The fun games begin. Great snow fortresses are being erected, girls have fun on swings, sing funny ditties.
The most important thing in flirting is the theme of love. Young couples are allowed to kiss in public on this day; single guys begin to choose brides for themselves, and girls closely look at their betrothed. Therefore, there are ice slides, calls are sent to certain houses, parents prepare pancakes so that young couples who celebrate Shrovetide can be together, have fun from the heart under the parent's eye.
On the third day of Shrovetide, the sons-in-law should come to the mother-in-law for pancakes. According to the tradition of mother-in-law, pancakes are considered a feast - what kind of pancakes you just can't see: dairy, small, large, with caviar, with jam.
The fourth day of Shrovetide is "revelry", one of the merry days. They ride the scarecrow on a wheel, sing funny songs, carol.
Friday is rightfully considered the day of "mother-in-law evenings". On this day, the son-in-law treats the mother-in-law with pancakes. It is believed that the more the son-in-law beckons the mother-in-law, the more honor she has.
On Saturday, "sister-in-law's gatherings" are held. The daughter-in-law presents gifts to her sister-in-law. On this day, a solemn burning of a carnival effigy is held, saying goodbye to winter. And in order to have a good harvest in the summer, scarecrows scatter the ashes over the field.
Seeing off on Sunday. Shrovetide ends, no more hangover. In order not to take winter with them into the spring, the last scarecrows are burned.