Evgeny Margulis - a popular musician and performer, a former member of the legendary band called "Time Machine" left the group. This event came as a big surprise to many.

It is worth recalling that the news of Yevgeny Margulis's departure from the Time Machine appeared not so long ago and immediately literally blew up the Internet. This greatly upset numerous fans who tirelessly tried to figure out the possible reasons for the departure of one of the soloists from the collective. The members of the group themselves, including Margulis, did not comment on this news in any way.
However, in the end, Eugene decided to break the silence. In one of the social networks on his official page, Margulis wrote that he decided to come to grips with his own project. Evgeny explained that he himself, of his own free will, never returns to those teams in which he played earlier. If he is called back, which, most likely, happens at moments of crisis among teams, Margulis resumes cooperation, but exactly until the moment when it is of some interest to him and does not bother him. Evgeny also said that he wants to live the rest of his life with his team, to which he has recently begun to pay much less attention than he should have. With his message, the musician destroyed all the myths and gossip about the alleged disagreements with the "Time Machine" collective.
Despite this, the Time Machine group is still going to continue their performances in their current composition, presumably until the fall. In September 2012, the team plans to return to the stage in an updated form.
By the way, it is not the first time that Evgeny Margulis is saying goodbye to the Time Machine group. In 1979, he left for another equally popular group called "Sunday", but 11 years later he returned again to the group of Andrei Makarovich. In addition, the guitarist also performed in such groups as Airbus, Shanghai and Araks.
The last time the composition of the "Time Machine" group changed back in 1999, when the team was left by keyboardist Pyotr Podgorodetsky, who had been working with Andrei Makarevich since 1989. Then A. Derzhavin took his place.