The tenth anniversary of the wedding is called a tin wedding in some sources, and a pink wedding in others. The symbols of this holiday are the color of the sun at sunrise and soft metal. Such a choice of components as symbols gives a huge scope for a variety of ideas that can be used in the celebration of this anniversary.

Wedding Anniversary - Pink or Pewter Wedding?
Few know where the name of the wedding came from - pewter. It is known that the metal of this jubilee is very soft and melts at very low temperatures. Therefore, it is used to attach parts to each other. So in the life of a family, after ten years spent together, the spouses rub themselves in and firmly "solder" to each other by marriage. Their relationship reaches maximum stability this year. Couples approach the tenth year as a mature full-fledged family. And living with each other for these ten years, people really become close relatives. More often than not, they even stop thinking about the very possibility of divorce.
This wedding is also called pink, so it is logical to assume that pink should be present in full on this anniversary. The color pink is a symbol of passion, love and devotion. Men on this day present their soulmates with roses, saying that not a single delicate flower can compare with the lips of their beloved woman. Alternatively, you can decorate your bed with rose petals and add a drop of rose oil to a warm bath to awaken sensuality with a heady scent.
No woman can resist this gift.
How can you celebrate such a wedding and what gift to give?
The French have a saying that says, "Memory tastes good." It should be remembered not only when celebrating a tin wedding, but also at other special occasions. When buying a gift for your soul mate, the main thing is to think about the emotions that your spouse will receive, and not count the amount of money spent on it. Gifts can be tin soldiers and a dancer made of the same metal with a pink pack, beautiful bed linen or spoons made of tin.
Any present is intended only to strengthen relationships and add warmth to your family union.
You also need to take care of the place where the celebration of such an anniversary will take place in advance. You can drive around your wedding venues. Visit all the city sights you were near ten years ago. To make your memories come true, you can plunge back into your honeymoon dreams - an eye-to-eye date in a small restaurant, a night stroll through the dark and narrow streets. If the day of the celebration falls on a vacation, try meeting the sunrise with your loved one. By celebrating an anniversary in this way, you will avoid such commonplace things as constantly listening to similar toasts, cooking treats all day for the event. It is better to devote this day to yourself and your soul mate. And to give the greatest romanticism, you can buy tin rings and engrave words that are meaningful to you on them.