The capital of Scotland is the ancient city of Glasgow, a concert venue, on the stages of which music festivals are constantly held. If you are a lover of music of different styles and directions, then feel free to go to this city at any time convenient for you - you will surely find yourself at some interesting festival and be able to chat with cheerful, cheerful and very friendly Scots.

The Celtic Connections festival is especially popular with tourists, guests of Glasgow, and the Scots themselves. It takes place annually from mid-January and lasts almost three weeks. The festival is dedicated to Celtic culture and music and is attended by a record number of performers working in different musical directions, but united by one common theme - Celtic.
Usually the number of those wishing to perform at this prestigious international music forum is approaching three hundred. Not only musicians from different parts of Scotland come here, but also those who popularize Celtic music in Great Britain, France, Canada, Spain and the USA.
The Glasgow Music Festival, dedicated to the ancient and eternally young culture of the Celts, brings together about 300 different events in its program. They take place at stage and concert venues, exhibitions, seminars, and meetings.
Most of the performances can be seen on the main stage of the festival - on the stage of the Royal Concert Hall. On it, at one time, viewers listened to such world-famous performers as Sinead O'Connor, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Joan Baez, Silly Wizard, Clannad, Alison Kraus, Bob Geldof, Shane McGowan, Evelyn Glennie and others.
This event is held not only as entertainment. This is an extensive and very informative educational program, within the framework of which more than 10 thousand schoolchildren attend "classes". For them, the doors to any event taking place at the festival are open free of charge, and many of them have the opportunity to hear for the first time works related to Celtic culture. In total, during the festival, the city is visited by 100 thousand tourists, which is a great help for the Glasgow economy.
At this time, representatives of record companies from all over the world come to Glasgow. This is a great opportunity for young Celtic musicians to make themselves known. Often festival concerts end for many of them with the signing of contracts and participation in tours in different cities and countries.