Independence Day of Bulgaria is celebrated annually on September 22nd. It was on this day in the city of Veliko Tarnovo that Prince Ferdinand read the Manifesto on the independence of Bulgaria, announcing the separation of his state from the Ottoman Empire.

The Bulgarians began to officially celebrate the Independence Day only in 1998, so the traditions of its holding have not yet been fully formed, and the composition of the events may change. However, there are also things that remain unchanged. For example, although celebrations take place in many cities across the country, the most solemn official events are held in Veliko Tarnovo, and not in the capital of the state of Sofia. It is there, at the monument to the Independence of Bulgaria, that the manifesto is read on September 22. In addition, the Veliko Tarnovo Metropolitan holds a liturgy in honor of the solemn event in the Church of the Holy 40 Martyrs.
Since Independence Day is an official holiday, many politicians in Bulgaria take part in organizing and conducting it. Officials and public figures congratulate the residents of the state on the holiday, make solemn speeches, organize processions, and lay luxurious bouquets and flower garlands on the monument of independence. In addition, on September 22, the ritual of raising the national flag of Bulgaria is held, in which the military takes part.
In large cities, thematic exhibitions are held, visitors to which can see photographs, posters and other exhibits related to the history of Bulgaria and the acquisition of independence. In addition to exhibitions, many other educational events are organized, which are designed to better acquaint people with the history of their country. Fun games, contests and themed quizzes are held for children.
With the onset of darkness on the city hill of Tsarevets in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, an amazing performance begins: with the help of multi-colored projectors, a solemn performance "Sound and Light" is created, which everyone can see for free. Also, after dusk, Bulgarians can enjoy a solemn fireworks display specially organized in honor of the Independence Day.