The Dalai Lama was born in 1935 to a family of farmers living in the village of Taktser. His parents gave him the name Lhamo Dhondrub. According to the Free Encyclopedia, the current leader's predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, visited Taktser in 1909. After his death, lamas from Lhasa came to the village to find a new Tibetan leader.

After conducting special tests, the two-year-old Lhamo Dhondrub, who later received the name Aghvan Lobsan Gyatso, was declared a new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. In 1940, he was enthroned as a spiritual leader, and in 1950 - as a political leader of Tibet. With the outbreak of the Chinese invasion of Tibet, despite all attempts at peaceful coexistence with the new administration, the Dalai Lama had to flee to India. In 2001, before the first democratic elections for the new Tibetan government, the Dalai Lama relinquished political power, positioning himself as the spiritual leader of Tibet.
During his reign, the Dalai Lama did a lot for his people, devoting his life to the welfare of Tibet and the struggle for peace. His policy rejects all violence and advocates mutual understanding between peoples of different religions.
On his birthday, the Dalai Lama hears only kind words spoken by followers of various religions. This holiday is marked by the fact that prayers for the welfare, health and longevity of His Holiness are read in the Lamaist temples of the country, millions of ordinary people send him their best wishes.
On July 6 at eight in the morning, the courtyard of the Kalmykia temple "The Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni" will accept everyone for a special ceremony of blessing and cleansing the area - Sangsol. Further, according to tradition, the solemn removal of the portrait with the image of the Dalai Lama will take place, and at nine in the morning a festive prayer service begins.
At 12.00, everyone is invited to the conference hall of the central khurul, where the premiere of the film "Ten Questions for the Dalai Lama" will be shown. In the evening at 18 o'clock on Victory Square in Elista, a festive concert will be held in honor of the birthday of the leader of the Buddhists. Everyone will be treated to a festive cake, followed by songs, poems and dances.