A toast is a short speech that usually precedes the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Toasting is a tradition known in many cultures. This concept has English roots: toast translates as "table wish", "toast".

Step 1
Dedicate a toast to a welcome to the guest of honor or to the general situation that triggered the meeting. This is a common form of wishing guests happiness and prosperity.
Step 2
If you are a guest of honor at a holiday, express gratitude for the hospitality in a return toast, in addition, voice an assurance that friendly feelings are mutual, etc.
Step 3
If this is an official reception, make speeches and toasts after dessert, when champagne is poured, at other receptions - 10-15 minutes after the start of the reception, in some cases even at the very beginning.
Step 4
The owner of the house should pronounce the toast first, and then the guest, in whose honor the reception is organized.
Step 5
If an official breakfast, lunch or dinner is organized, in this case it is not accepted to clink glasses, if they do clink glasses, then the men hold the glasses below the ladies' glasses.
Step 6
When making toasts, you cannot eat, talk, pour wine, light a cigarette. Those present should hold glasses in their hands, in especially solemn cases, listen to the toast while standing. The toast is usually standing.
Step 7
The person to whom the toast is dedicated must respond. It is permissible for a woman to respond with a smile. If this is an important toast to the management or the newlyweds, empty the glass to the bottom right away. Sometimes, on especially solemn occasions, you can smash glasses on the floor or throw them into the fireplace.
Step 8
Do not refuse to accept a toast in someone's honor, it means disrespect for the person. If you do not drink alcohol at all, pretend to drink or pour water into a glass and simulate toast.
Step 9
Don't have a cocktail toast. Alternatively, you can use whiskey, punch, ale, or beer.
Step 10
When choosing a speech for a toast, make sure that it is not obscene, could not offend in any way the person you are drinking for.
Step 11
If you do not know healthy speeches, you can come up with something yourself, most importantly - from the heart. On the Internet, on various sites, there are whole thematic collections of toasts for all occasions.