Toast is a traditional table wish, symbolically concluded by draining a glass of alcoholic beverage. Usually a toast is made to the hero of the occasion. In order for everyone present to feel the importance of the moment and the spoken words, you need to prepare a few words in advance.

Step 1
Toast is distinguished by two features - brevity and precision. You should choose just a few words that can characterize your attitude to the holiday itself and to the heroes of the occasion. For example, your sister is getting married a second time. A toast can sound like this: "Let's drink to it for the last time!"
Step 2
Toast words can have a touch of good irony or humor. The laughter in your words should be benevolent, and by no means aggressive. In this situation, abstract advice will not work: you yourself must figure out which jokes are acceptable in the company and which jokes the toast will not be offended by.
Step 3
In some cases brevity can be neglected. You can tell a story about your relationship that showed a positive trait of the friend you are honoring. Describe your impression of his action. In the role of a wish in such cases, they usually say a phrase in the spirit: "Always stay that way …"