After the birth of your long-awaited child, you spent a whole year in constant care and excitement, joy from the first conscious syllables and actions. The first birthday of your baby has come! It is worth considering how to host it to make this touching event unforgettable.

It is necessary
Decorations, balloons, gift, cake, candles
Step 1
Celebrate the very first birthday of your baby in a small circle of relatives and friends. Your birthday boy is too young to appreciate the scope of the holiday fun and fully realize that he is the center of attention. Discuss the topic of gifts in advance to avoid possible repetitions and various difficulties. You can also discuss when guests leave, so that they disperse when necessary.
Step 2
Observe your birthday boy's daily routine. If you break the usual routine, the baby may burst into tears and react to the prepared holiday events in a completely different way than you would like. Choose a time to receive guests based on your child's sleep patterns. Then the baby will be pleased to see close faces and again learn something new. The most convenient time for the celebration is 16:00.
Step 3
On the eve, decorate the baby's room and the room where the party will be held. You can resort to the services of specialists, or you can prepare everything yourself. A few original paper curtain decorations, safe balloons and a new toy will immediately bring the festive mood to your home. Fresh flowers must be used very carefully. Some of them can cause allergies and various emotional reactions in the baby. Therefore, knowledge of the properties of some plants may become a necessity.
Step 4
Be sure to tell and show your child how you decorated your house or apartment and why. Let him know, touch and play with these objects. It is important that he gets used to being in a decorated room.
Step 5
Refuse a banal family feast. Come up with an original menu. It can be a small but hearty buffet table. Small sandwiches, toast, tartlets, and plenty of fruit would be an appropriate treat. The guests' attention will be drawn to the hero of the occasion, and not to the table covered with salads. Make a sweet treat. Take care of the small cake with the first candle blown out by your grown-up toddler. Several simple games can be organized, especially if there are more children among the guests. Do some traditional activities: cutting the first strand of hair, making hand and foot prints, etc.
Step 6
Do not forbid your child to freely show his emotions, let the feelings of celebration and delight remain in his memory, and not your complaints about dirty hands, clothes, etc. Try to avoid or correct such situations without further ado. Stay alone with your baby from time to time. This will give him the opportunity to take a break from excessive impressions and remain calm and cheerful. At the end of the evening, you can go for a walk and accompany guests at the same time.
Step 7
Don't forget the music. Music should not be intrusive and too loud. Use your camera and camera to capture the very first birthday of your baby.