January presents the most wonderful astrological pets - Capricorns. Approaching the choice of a gift with all responsibility and seriousness, you will definitely make the right choice.

What to give a Capricorn man
Capricorn man is practical, purposeful. His priority is work. Often, the people surrounding Capricorn are faced with a difficult task - the choice of a gift for the holiday. What to give a serious and practical man?
Gift for a young Capricorn
Young Capricorns are quite vain, they love increased attention to themselves. As a gift, they will appreciate not only what they give, but also how it is packed. When presenting a present, do not forget to pack it beautifully. A bouquet of chrysanthemums or lilies will not leave him indifferent. When choosing a gift for a young Capricorn, give preference to: a newfangled gadget, a case for a tablet or phone, an expensive purse or bag. If he has a hobby, then in this case it will be much easier to choose a gift. Buy something that relates to his hobby and he will love it.
Gift for Capricorn from 30 to 40 years old
At this age, men prefer practicality in gifts. If the hero of the occasion is a person close to you, give him a warm robe or something from clothes. Expensive accessories will appeal to him. A quality perfume will also be a good gift.
Gift to Capricorn from 45 to 50 years old
Growing up, these people become more sensible. In gifts, they begin to appreciate the soulfulness and benefit. Present him with tickets for the event he wanted to attend. Expensive collection wine will not leave him indifferent. A trip around the world or a vacation trip will delight Capricorn.
Gift to Capricorn from 55 to 60 years old
A handmade gift will be appreciated: a knitted sweater or plaid, a picture or a photo album. Capricorns are very fond of surprises at this age. Throw a party in his honor, sing him a song, or make a movie about him.
What to give a Capricorn woman
A lady born under this sign is calculating, rational and tough. It is very difficult to choose the right gift for this person. But it's worth trying. A young girl can be presented with jewelry, good cosmetics, devices for the care of her appearance. If the birthday girl moves in business circles, give her a leather-bound diary, a voice recorder, and high-quality office supplies. Find out what your Capricorn is passionate about. Fortunately, these people value practicality. A gift associated with a hobby will not leave her indifferent. Capricorn women are good housewives. Family is the most important thing for her. Gifts related to home and everyday life will also not be superfluous. Let it be bed linen or a towel, but choose quality and proven products. But she will not appreciate bulky figurines or large floor vases. As Capricorns love to work, they are not alien to quality rest, spent with benefit. Donate ballet or theater tickets.