It is believed that New Year's Eve is magical and you need to spend it so that later fortune will be favorable to you all year. Wealth will come to the house in the new 2017, if you follow a few proven signs.

If you have this wonderful plant, then you must definitely use it to attract wealth. To do this, on New Year's Eve, put 1 coin in the ground at its roots for each family member living in the house. The coins should remain intact throughout the coming year.
Put a large bill in the pocket of your holiday outfit so that it will be with you all New Year's Eve. Subsequently, this lucky bill cannot be spent all year, put it in a secret pocket of your wallet, and it will become your money talisman.
Before the onset of the New Year, it is imperative to pay off all debts, even the smallest ones.
Before the New Year holidays, it is recommended to get rid of unnecessary old clothes, cracked dishes. You should definitely buy a new thing for the house - curtains, rug, vase. This will attract wealth and prosperity.
It's best to put on a new thing on New Year's Eve. If this is not possible, purchase new accessories and perfume.
To attract money, the New Year's tablecloth should be white. And under the tablecloth, you need to put a coin on each corner of the table. It is also recommended to put a small coin under the guests' plates.
There should be gastronomic abundance on the festive table. You also need to decorate the table with nuts, rice and wheat - this is a symbol of abundance and prosperity.