May holidays can be used not only for relaxation, but also in order to slightly improve the suburban area after the winter period. There is no need to harness to work from sunrise to sunset. To return to the city safe and sound, you need an optimal combination of work and rest.

When going to the dacha, do not forget the necessary things at home. Even the smallest thing can ruin the holidays, so check the list as you pack your bags. Think about entertainment, put board games and balls for outdoor activities. Remember the first-aid kit, because you always need to think about your safety. When you arrive at the place, take your time to disassemble everything brought, and do not rush to grab the shovel right away. Walk around the site and around the house with a notebook, take a sharp look at the entire front, write a list and think about what exactly and when to do. If the weather is sunny and warm, you can open all the windows and work on the site yourself. But before that, you must definitely soak the meat on kebabs! The men will take it upon themselves to clean the area from debris and dry branches, making a fire in the barbecue. For women, you can prepare dishes and freshen up sleeping places. Children will be happy to help adults by completing simple assignments. They can carry everything they need to the yard and arrange dishes and napkins beautifully on the table. Soon the whole family will settle down next to the cozy fire, tasting their own hand-made kebabs and fresh salads. Adults are not forbidden to drink a bottle of tart red wine - a holiday after all! The next day you can do fruit trees and shrubs, flowers and seedlings of vegetables. Do not overwork, because the main task of your summer cottage is to bring joy to your family! You don't need to plant whole plantations of berries, fruits and vegetables if you don't feel strong enough to process all of this. In this case, it is better to start organizing a vacation spot. Consider building a garden oven and a beautiful gazebo. Find a place for a hammock and swing. Set aside a place for a children's corner, bring sand. Dig a small body of water and decorate it with natural rocks and colorful plants. You can settle there animals that love water, but on the May holidays you can only think about it and just have a great rest, basking in the sun. Think of some games that will capture the participants for a long time. Do not let the grill stand idle, except for meat on coals, you can cook delicious vegetables.