In order for the "iron horse" to serve faithfully, it must be properly looked after. And this is not limited to just lubricating once a year and washing after rain.

Taking care of your bike has certain benefits. First, the look of the bike. Nobody wants to ride a dirty bike. Secondly, insurance against breakdowns. Preventive work will help you find the malfunction in time and fix it without the threat of falling somewhere along the road, and then lie in bed for 3 months with a broken leg. Thirdly, significant savings, since repairs, and even more so buying a new bike, costs money, which is never superfluous.
Regular washing
Most innocuous is the dust covering your bike. In this case, you can do with a damp cloth, and everything will be fine. It is quite another matter if you have been driving on some kind of off-road, and now your "iron friend" is abundantly covered with mud from frame to wheels. In this case, you will have to soak the dirt, and then remove it using a special cleaning agent. If you don't have one at hand, dishwashing detergent will work too. You can also take your bike to a car wash, where it will be brought back to its proper form without your participation. However, if you are a big fan of cycling and cannot live a day without a trip, you will have to wash your bike once every two weeks.
Wet bike - rusty bike
Carefully ensure that moisture does not accumulate in the joints of the mechanisms (pedals, chain links, etc.), since in this case rust will appear before you have time to blink an eye. The best way to prevent this is to thoroughly dry your bike with a dry, absorbent cloth after each wet wash.
All parts must be lubricated
As a result of friction, the wear of dry parts is much higher than that of lubricated parts, so do not neglect this point. Make sure there is enough lubricant. Purchase a special bike lubricant and use it well when needed to help the parts of your bike.
Proper storage
Direct sunlight and temperature changes are not only enemies of our skin. Bicycle leather and rubber can also be severely affected by such impacts. The conclusion is simple: you cannot leave your bike in the open for a long time, and when putting it away for the winter, you need to thoroughly wash and lubricate all vulnerable parts.
Before each ride, check the brakes, tire pressure, and wheel attachments, footrests, and light. It will be much easier to fix these defects before the trip than to get into trouble for not checking everything.