Most people, oddly enough, do not know how to rest at all. Therefore, for many, morning is the most difficult time of the day. The body simply does not have time to gain strength, dragging the accumulating fatigue from one day to another. And after a while, depression, apathy, emotional burnout and other troubles come from somewhere. How do you relax after work?

Step 1
Enter a rule for yourself: all work issues, aggression, troubles, and the like remain outside the house. Now you crossed the threshold, and behind him were all the problems at work, tantrums from the bosses and raised conversations with managers. It will be difficult to switch at first, but gradually you will get used to it.
Step 2
Take a warm bath. Warm water (37-38 degrees) works wonders. To enhance the effect, add 10 drops of relaxing essential oils of patchouli, ylang-ylang, lavender to the bath.
Just remember that you cannot pour oils directly into the water. First, they must be diluted with milk or dripped into salt. The time for taking such a fragrant bath is 15-20 minutes.
Step 3
After bathing, rub yourself with a dry terry towel, put on comfortable home clothes and rest for 30-40 minutes. Just try to lie quietly on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and a cat or dog (you can use plush ones) next to your side.
Step 4
Have a family dinner half an hour after your bath. Nutritionists advise to have supper no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime - then during the night's rest the body will not be overwhelmed.
Step 5
Choose light, fast-digesting and moderately high-calorie meals for your last meal. Let it be low-fat fish, poultry with a garnish of vegetables, or cheese cakes with low-fat sour cream.
Step 6
Don't talk about problems at the family table. This is extremely unhealthy. Keep your dinner conversation leisurely and peaceful.
Step 7
After dinner, do something calm. Watch a romantic TV movie, read a book, chat with family members and pets.
Step 8
Go for a walk an hour and a half before bedtime. Let it be at least 300-400 steps around the house, but it is necessary to breathe fresh air before going to bed.
Step 9
Go to bed no later than an hour before midnight. Before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom, fluff up pillows, and shake up the blankets and sheets. If you don't mind lavender, put a drop of lavender oil on your pillow. The pure, healing scent will soothe and bring back the sweetest dreams.