Very soon, the Russians will have a series of days off associated with the celebration of March 8 and February 23. Which days will officially become working days, and which days off.

After the protracted New Year holidays, the official holiday weekend comes only closer to February 23, so many working citizens are looking forward to these days. Many are already wondering in advance how we will rest on March 8 and February 23 in 2016.
To find out which days in 2016 will be officially working, and which days off, you need to use the production calendar, which changes annually in accordance with days and weeks.
This year has become a leap year, respectively, in winter there was one more working day compared to previous years. In February of this year, Russians will have to work for 20 days and rest for 9 days. Formally, the only day of these nine days off is a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23 every year.
The official non-working days associated with this men's holiday will be three - from Sunday (February 21) to Tuesday (February 23). On Saturday, February 22, Russians will have to go to work, as this day is officially recognized as a shortened working day on Monday. Therefore, the pre-holiday week before Defender of the Fatherland Day will be lengthened. This transfer is due not to break up the weekend, but to rest for three full days in February.
The first month of spring will delight Russians with long holidays. A total of 10 calendar days will be days off and 21 working days. In this case, a long vacation will be associated with the celebration of March 8 - International Women's Day. The official public holidays this month are March 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th (Saturday through Tuesday inclusive).
Thanks to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, in March, Russians will be able to rest for four days in a row. On March 7, 2016, it became non-working, as it was moved from January 3, thereby giving the population such a vacation.