We are all looking forward to the New Year, preparing for it in advance - we buy gifts for family and friends, put a Christmas tree in the house and decorate our home, looking for an outfit for a party. But many of us forget about pets, but they, too, would not mind trying on a cute suit and celebrating the upcoming holiday in it.

Before choosing an outfit for your pet, you should remember that as a festive outfit it is better to choose a comfortable little thing that will not bring discomfort to the dog. If the animal is not accustomed to wearing clothes, then in this case it is better to limit yourself to a bright scarf, vest or hat.
However, if for a pet wearing various outfits is commonplace, or you want to arrange a photo session, then you can dress the dog in a cute outfit for a short period of time. The costume in the form of a snowflake looks quite interesting, you can make it yourself. For the outfit you will need:
- elastic band 2-3 cm wide;
- tulle (white);
- needle and thread.
The first step is to measure the dog's waist (the narrowest part of the body). After that, take the elastic and cut off from it a piece five centimeters less than the previously measured waist circumference, connect the edges of the elastic in a closed circle and sew them together.
Next, you need to cut the tulle into pieces 15 cm wide and twice as long as the desired length of the skirt. After the work done, you should put the elastic on the chair legs (it is much more convenient to do the following work), fold the pieces of tulle in half and tie them to the elastic. Since the skirt is made for a dog, the tulle should not be tied along the entire girth of the elastic, but only to half.

The snowflake skirt is ready. However, when drawing up the entire image, you should take care of the headdress for the dog. As a decoration, you can take either a hat or a bandage, or just a pretty hairpin.