Not everyone likes to celebrate the New Year noisily and on a grand scale. For some people, the ideal holiday is one that is spent at home with family. However, this does not mean at all that such a holiday will be boring and uninteresting. Even a house party can be made unforgettable and incendiary. The main thing is to think carefully and prepare everything.

Step 1
Even if you celebrate the New Year alone, this does not mean at all that you do not need to prepare for it. A holiday is a holiday. Therefore, be sure to prepare your traditional tree and the rest of the Christmas decorations. By the way, the Christmas tree can be decorated in an unusual way (this will give a special atmosphere to the holiday). So, for example, recently it has become fashionable to decorate the New Year tree with banknotes. After all, they say: "How will you celebrate the New Year …".
Step 2
If you are waiting for friends to visit or just want to celebrate a holiday in a close family circle, carnival masks and costumes will be useful. Try on the image of the Snow Maiden, and you will feel how everything around you is magically transformed. And so that the celebration does not slide into banal gatherings at the table, come up with an entertainment program for your guests. Play out a New Year's fairy tale. Your family and friends will remember this holiday for a long time.
Step 3
Create a festive mood for yourself by decorating the table in an original way. Think in advance what you will put on the table, how you will serve it. Remember that the flight of your imagination is not limited by anything. The main thing is that the New Year's motives are clearly visible in everything.
Step 4
New Year at home is not a reason to forget about yourself. Be sure to worry about your own outfit, makeup, hairstyle, shoes, etc. Even if you meet him alone. After all, New Year's Eve is magical. Suddenly you will meet your destiny, and then you need to be fully armed. And your own beautiful and well-groomed reflection in the mirror perfectly cheers you up.
Step 5
If you are not a fan of watching TV New Year's programs, prepare for the main night of the year in advance. Buy or borrow discs or cassettes from your friends with your favorite films or programs, determine the sequence of viewing and feel free to compose your New Year's TV.
Step 6
Arrange fireworks for yourself and your family - buy firecrackers and fireworks. Noisy and fun - this is the motto of the New Year. Create a festive mood for yourself, and the holiday that you celebrated at home will become unforgettable.