When planning their vacation in another country, most future vacationers prefer to contact travel agencies that will do literally everything for a tourist: they will help to get a visa, and the entertainment program will be taken care of, and about accommodation and travel. But not everyone likes such a refined vacation. It is much more interesting, albeit risky, to take care of your vacation yourself. There are many nuances to consider here.

Step 1
Traveling in your own car will be completely independent. Of course, this is convenient, but no less troublesome. You need to issue not only a passport and a visa, but also do not forget about the green card for the car, which will become the guarantor of your car in the countries of the Old World. In fact, a green card is an analogue of our OSAGO, which has an effect abroad. The term of this policy is from a week to a month. A green card is being prepared for at least a month, so you need to issue it at the same time when you collect documents for obtaining a visa. Please note that usually insurance agents offer double insurance for a month at once, while you can do insurance for 6 weeks, but usually agents are silent about this.
Step 2
So, all the necessary documents are ready. Let's say right away that you need to go abroad, having fully checked your health and the health of your "iron horse". Any breakdown outside our country can cost you a pretty penny, especially if you have to change parts. When replacing parts, you may well have problems with our customs, where you will have to pay a large duty for a new part.
Step 3
The way to Europe from Russia lies through the Baltic countries, Finland, Belarus and Ukraine. The best way is to go through Belarus and Lithuania. Our motorists speak very well about Belarus, especially about its toll roads. We have concluded a customs union with Belarus, which will allow us to cross the border between the countries very quickly. In Lithuania, it is better to cross the border in Ashmyany, where the whole procedure will take no more than 40 minutes. On the Polish border, it is better to pass control near Brest through Domrachevo. There are not many cars here and you can get to Europe in an hour and a half. The roads in those places are not very good, so calculate the shortest path.
Step 4
Keep in mind that many roads in Europe are toll roads, so it is best to take care of your right to travel on these roads in advance. For this, in bordering countries, special vignettes are purchased, which are glued directly to the windshield. In the absence of a paid pass, an impressive fine will await you.
Step 5
When cruising along the roads of Europe in your own car, also remember that there is a speed limit on almost every corner and more often on free highways, so try to find toll roads. At night on the track, it is important to be vigilant so as not to knock down an elk or a wild boar that has inadvertently ran out towards you. In any case, staying in another country, it is better to play it safe: do not go to overtake the vehicle in front, do not exceed the speed, do not quarrel with the police. All this will help you to have a good rest without spoiling your reputation in the Schengen countries.