A romantic is a dearly in love person, and happiness for him is the ability to please his beloved, to please him with something and give pleasure. Do not forget about this if you are planning to arrange a romantic evening. Don't be afraid to sound old-fashioned, romance never gets old because it is an integral part of a love relationship.

It is necessary
- - candles;
- - good wine;
- - favorite music;
Step 1
To organize a romantic evening means to give each other their time, attention, tenderness … Both parties should be ready for such an event. Therefore, at least hint to your loved one that you are planning something special for the evening. Surprise is a surprise, but if you suddenly appear with your romantic desires, and your friend is simply tired or not in the mood, both sides will remain dissatisfied.
Step 2
Go for an evening city walk together. Find some secluded place - a quiet park, alley, river or lake bank. You can, on the contrary, go to the very center of the city and sit in a small cozy restaurant. Just remember to book a table in advance.
Step 3
Create a romantic setting in your home. First, dim the lights. For such a case, it is not a pity to even purchase some special lamp that gives an even warm light. Be sure to cover the windows with curtains. Keep them long and tight. Nothing should distract you from each other.
Step 4
Light incense or scented candles in the room. Play light music that you both like. A bottle of wine that matches the atmosphere and romantic mood. With this preparation, a romantic evening will be held at the highest level.
Step 5
Dedicate an evening to remember how you met, met, where you first kissed. Remember which of you was the first to confess your love, how did it happen? Add to this conversation a bottle of good wine, some sweets. It is not necessary to look for any specific reason for such an evening. Just be there, disconnect from all extraneous affairs and worries.
Step 6
Go together to gaze at the stars, at the city at night, at the river, ocean or lake. Many people think of these things as romantic cliches, but remember, when was the last time you looked at the stars? Embark on a journey together for new experiences, and don't forget to prepare a gift for your loved one. It can be a wonderful dinner, a photo of you that he forgot about, tickets for a movie that he has long wanted to watch, listen to live music, etc.