In the eastern horoscope, special attention is paid to which animal is the patron saint of the coming year. It has long been believed that it completely determines the nature of the year and the events that happen to us. Of all the animals on the calendar, the rooster is the most impatient and intriguing symbol.

The rooster is a bright and cheerful animal. His good mood and constant attempt to be the first and foremost can in many ways be transmitted to you and me. That is why the year of the rooster is characterized by a large number of undertakings and projects. All the difficult things that you start in the new year will definitely bring only positive results.
The year of the rooster is the best time to start your own business and turn the usual course of events backwards. This year should bring only positive emotions and bright colors.
This symbol of the year implies the correct order in your home. The family should be headed by a man who protects his women. Women, on the other hand, must honor and respect their protector. This is exactly what happens in the family with a rooster. After all, not a single offender can approach a chicken if there is a rooster nearby.
The rooster is a brave, strong and proud animal. It will not let itself be offended and will always be on top. At the same time, it respects not only family traditions, but also its friends.
Astrologers advise to celebrate the new year of the rooster in such a way as to please the symbol of the coming year in everything. It is enough to remember the habits of this cheerful animal and you can easily organize the holiday correctly. The rooster loves home, companionship and friends. He will not refuse a hearty dinner either. Therefore, try to take into account all these points.