New Year is a holiday when wishes are made. The chiming clock symbolizes the magical power of translating what was conceived into reality. And even if a person has already thought of something before, but this, unfortunately, did not come true, the coming new year revives this faith. And again there is a glimmer of hope that now the dream will come true.

Step 1
The easiest way to fulfill the New Year's wishes for children or your loved ones. If you are attentive to their words, most likely, in some conversation regarding the holiday, you will hear what your relatives would like to receive as a gift. The task is simplified if the child writes a letter to Santa Claus and asks for something from him. In this case, try to talentedly play the role of a fairy tale or give a gift from Santa Claus.
Step 2
You can help fulfill the innermost dreams of your friends with whom you are sitting at the festive table. To do this, think over for each of them a small souvenir gift "to make your wishes come true." It can be something with good energy, made with your own hands or bought in a store - a porcelain figurine, a keychain, a pyramid, an onyx apple, etc. Place your miracle souvenir in a beautiful box and provide instructions. Write that the figurine will fulfill one desire of a person if he constantly holds it in front of him and regularly reminds of the desire throughout the year. From the point of view of psychology, this is not mysticism or nonsense, but a way to focus on what you dream about. If a person does not forget about his desire and does not postpone it for later, he will find a way to fulfill it.
Step 3
It's harder with your own New Year wishes. How to make them come true? Psychologists say that this is quite possible. There are two main ways to try.
Step 4
Take on a ritual. For example, write your wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and dissolve the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink to the chimes. Or, in the last seconds before the New Year, eat grapes, mentally repeating the wish. You can also write what you want on different pieces of paper and put them under your pillow, and in the morning take out the first one that comes across. This desire will be fulfilled within a year. Further, with all your might, imagine that you are sitting at the New Year's table next year, and your wish has already been fulfilled. Feel how glad you are, how your life has changed. And be sure to believe that it will happen.
Step 5
Or take a blank sheet of paper and write on it what you expect from the new year. It is advisable to write down diverse desires regarding health, material well-being, career, family, personal improvement, recreation, etc. Notes should be made in a positive manner, i.e. do not write "not to get sick" - it will look better "to be healthy". Requests should only be specific, expressed in numbers and dates. Do you want to earn more? How much exactly? Planning to upgrade your computer? In what month? Remember to point out what is holding you back from achieving what you dream of. Plan to fulfill your desires, look at your notes more often, and try to consistently move towards your goal.