The cold winter time should not be an obstacle for walking with children. On the contrary, this is one of the funniest seasons of the year, which is remembered by children with fluffy snow, hoisting a snowman in the yard, throwing snowballs, skiing and skating. There are a great many places where you can spend time with your child in a variety of ways!

Step 1
Take your children to the skating rink closest to your home. Choose the one where you can rent skates of various sizes, so that buying them for the whole family does not become your next problem and unreasonable financial costs. You can teach a child to skate from the age of 4. Tighten the lacing well on the child's leg and choose the correct size so that the skates are not too big or, on the contrary, so that they do not pinch the child's legs.
Step 2
If there is a park, square or suburban forest near your house - go skiing with your child. Of course, for him you must purchase children's skis in advance, for yourself - adults, according to your height.
Step 3
Don't like skiing? Ride the massive slides, which are spontaneously organized in any city and village. You can take with you not only sledges, but also plastic equipment for skiing from the mountains.

Step 4
There are places, entertainment centers that operate all year round. If there is a zoo, go-carting, amusement park, swimming pool, water park among them in your area - call them and find out the opening hours to visit this place in the winter.
Step 5
Many supermarkets today are equipped with children's playrooms, where there are not only attractions, slot machines, but also soft rooms for climbing, roller coasters, baths with plastic balls, which children adore. Visit one of these on a weekend in winter. Here, the child will communicate with peers, the staff of the playroom can keep an eye on him while mom and dad make purchases in the supermarket.
Step 6
Do not forget about the cultural enlightenment of the child, visiting with him most intensively in the winter, children's theaters, puppet shows, cinemas, museums, exhibitions.