It is impossible to erase school years from memory. Therefore, a meeting of classmates is always nostalgia about a bygone youth, about crazy deeds and pranks, about first love and disappointments. How to arrange a meeting of classmates so that it remains another bright spot in your memory?

Step 1
It is best if such a meeting takes place within the walls of the native school. Or at least its beginning, so to speak, the solemn part. After all, most of the classmates left their hometown long ago and went across the country. Therefore, seeing your old school, your class and teachers will be, perhaps, the most exciting moment of the meeting.
Step 2
To begin with, create an initiative group of the most active and those who have the opportunity to organize the event. Set a date for the meeting.
Give a lot of time, because people have to calculate their vacation, some will have to spend quite a lot of time to organize their trip to a meeting from another country. Others must decide on whom to leave small children. Someone else will need to have time to resolve production issues. The best option from the moment of the announcement of the meeting to its holding will be 2-3 months.
Step 3
Prepare invitation cards. Sure, everyone now has a phone and email, but nothing beats the feeling of opening an envelope and dropping out a colorful and humorous alumni invitation.
Step 4
Collect your vintage school photos and make a collage. In the first minutes of the meeting, almost unfamiliar uncles and aunts, he will give the opportunity to quickly establish contact, give a sense of cohesion and return you to those distant school years.
Step 5
Make a program in advance. It would be nice to walk around the school, go to your class, sit at the desks. Here you can invite your old teachers who still remember you and will tell you about your childhood antics. Here you can also conduct a survey about the achievements of each over the past years. Let everyone go to the board and report: what they have achieved, what they have not yet achieved.
Step 6
Think in advance the questions that you will ask, add jokes, humor. You need to think about the program so that such reports do not become boring lists of routine housewives or the boasting of successful businessmen. You can even distribute a questionnaire in advance with funny life questions. If you have prepared various competitions, comic diplomas and medals, then this is the second part of the program.
Step 7
Of course, such a meeting cannot be complete without a banquet. Therefore, pre-order tables in the nearest cafe, it is good if it will be a separate room. Then no one will bother you to indulge in school memories, arrange various competitions, dance, have fun and talk.