The alumni meeting night is a joyful and happy event, because it is on this holiday that you can meet your old school friends. So that this day will be remembered for a long time not only to you, but also to your classmates, you can present them with modest memorable gifts.

Standard gifts for former classmates
When you meet people you haven't seen for a long time, you probably want to please them. To do this, you can present them with standard mementos. These can be bouquets of flowers, they are suitable for both men and women. Women can be presented with beautiful bouquets of roses or lilies, and men - irises, calla lilies or delphiniums. You can attach small original cards with best wishes to such a present, as well as good alcohol and a bar of dark chocolate.
In addition, you can find all your old school photos, take them to the salon for editing and montage, and then compose a creative photo album with interesting captions. If you prefer to store your photos electronically, buy each former classmate a flash drive, engrave it, and upload photos and videos from your school days to it.
You can also buy notebooks, personalized pens and organizers as a gift for your classmates.
Creative gifts for former classmates
If you want to surprise your old friends, prepare for congratulations in advance. Find out about what each of your classmates does and make personalized surprises related to your friends' profession. Doctors can give statuettes of a nurse with a syringe, policemen - fur handcuffs, teachers - items related to their specialty (geographers - globes, biologists - miniature skeletons of the human body, historians - statuettes of ancient rulers, it all depends only on your imagination). Car enthusiasts can gift a set of road maps, car fragrances or driver's license covers.
Another original gift will be a thematic photo session. Ask your friends to find a school uniform, prepare special paraphernalia in the form of pointers, textbooks, notebooks and portfolios, invite a professional photographer and arrange shooting in one of the school offices. Let your classmates return to childhood again. The resulting pictures can be combined into collages, made a presentation out of them and burned to disk. In addition, you can then present each participant in the photo session with images already in a printed version.
You can also order special personalized T-shirts with funny writing on the back and give them to your former classmates. Named mugs or caps are an alternative.