How To Cut Out An Object In Photoshop

How To Cut Out An Object In Photoshop
How To Cut Out An Object In Photoshop

If you want to cut out a part of a photo and paste it into another photo, then you will not find a better assistant than Photoshop.

How to cut out an object in Photoshop
How to cut out an object in Photoshop

In order to cut out an object in Photoshop, you need to open the picture from which you will cut the object, then you need to select the Quick Mask mode (editing in the Quick Mask mode - a rectangular button with a circle at the bottom of the toolbar).

After that, you select the Brush tool, take a brush with blurred edges, it is also called a soft brush, where you choose any size in the range from 3 px to 10 px.

Then you maximize your picture so that when you trace it, everything is done very neatly. In order to enlarge the picture, you need to select the Zoom tool. Stroke the outline of the shape with the selected brush. Make sure that the main color is black and the mask mode is selection of the area!

After that, you select the Paint bucket tool, this is the fill, and accordingly you fill the path that you have selected.

Next, you exit the Quick Mask mode and you see a selection.

After that press Ctrl + J - the selected fragment will be copied to a new layer.

This is how you get a new layer, on top of which the object you want remains. At the same time, keep in mind that you have an even outline of this object, so if you transfer this object to any other background, it will not look cut out.

This way you can cut out an object in Photoshop. As you can see, it's pretty simple. The only difficulty you may have is when you trace the path, but there is the possibility of enlarging the object. If, even after you enlarge the object, you still do not succeed, do not despair. Try again.

It is better to start such a selection with large objects. You shouldn't jump straight into small details in photos. Let your hand get used to it, and only after you can properly circle large parts, you can move on to smaller ones.
