In many reservoirs, carp fish are common. The fish hides in wide, deep areas where there is stagnant water or weak currents. If the bottom is solid, not rocky, then it can lurk there too. Carp prefers overgrown ponds with warm water. It is necessary to catch carp in shallow water in summer, and when the water gets very hot, it hides in the backwaters. You can find it in deep pits, ponds overgrown with vegetation, and old channels.

The most convenient time to fish for carp is when they are busy looking for food. In summer, from June to August, carp stays shallow, about 2-5 meters under water, and when the water cools down in autumn, the fish sinks to a depth of 10 meters, and even deeper by the beginning of winter.
It is better to catch carp from May to October, and in some reservoirs until November. Cloudy, but warm weather, light wind blowing in the south-west or south-east direction and decreasing atmospheric pressure are favorable for carp fishing. There is also a high likelihood of good fishing in the period 12-24 hours before the weather improves. You can catch this fish during the day. A light breeze that ripples the water will be beneficial if you are fishing for carp in backwaters, quarries, pits, reservoirs. If the wind has intensified, you should look for carp in the place where the waves run onto the coast.
To catch carp, use the following tackle: floating bait, unloaded fishing rod. Whether or not you use sinkers and a float depends on where you are fishing. At the very day, the float and lead should be used, and you can fish without them with an unloaded fishing rod.
At the beginning of summer, carp willingly bite on earthworms; in the middle of summer, use potatoes, any pasta, bread, corn, peas, and legumes. To increase the likelihood of successful fishing, we advise you to boil carp in certain places. Any cereals, boiled potatoes, hemp cake are perfect as a bait. If you plan to fish in the evening, then fall asleep in the morning or the evening before. Carp are cautious fish, they are distrustful and extremely changeable in feeding places. Fish can be easily frightened off by sloppy behavior, loud noises, or an unsuitable bait for carp. Successful fishing is guaranteed by moderate, regular feeding. Another nuance is that the feeding and bait must always match, otherwise the carp will not take the bait. Carp very quickly takes bait, so the fisherman's carelessness can result in the loss of not only catch, but also tackle. Be sure to stock up on a net, without which it is extremely difficult to catch carp. The intensity of the bite depends on many factors: the time of year, water temperature, the presence of a current, the size of the nozzle and even the size of the carp. River fish picks up the bait quickly, and the carp living in the pond is quiet, almost imperceptible. Hungry large fish bite harder. A well-fed carp only slightly touches the float, in some cases the bite of such a fish is very similar to the behavior of a bream.