It is often very difficult to catch a festive mood in adulthood. After all, the outlook on the New Year is changing. However, the feeling of a miracle and a festive mood would be desirable, perhaps, to any person before the New Year. How to lure the New Year mood? What will help create it?

A very important attribute of the holiday is the appropriate attitude. But how to create a New Year's mood for yourself, how to feel the spirit of Christmas and imbued with the general magical atmosphere? Desire itself plays an important role in achieving a festive mood. After all, if a person is mired in a routine and in gray everyday life, does not understand what good New Year can bring, has a negative attitude towards the hype around the holiday, then no advice and recommendations will help. However, if you really want to feel the festive upsurge, feel the taste of the New Year, expect this holiday and crave miracles, then it will not be so difficult to tune in to the right wave.
A few tips on how to create a New Year mood
- Listening to thematic music. The mood of many people is greatly influenced by music. It is not for nothing that there is even such a psychotherapeutic method as music therapy, with the help of which a person's mood and thinking are changed. Music can successfully treat painful conditions, for example, some musical compositions have been proven to relieve headaches. The right music helps to survive many difficult moments, energizes, gives inspiration. To create a New Year mood, you should add thematic tracks to your playlist. If you don't want to make a New Year's music selection yourself, then you can turn to the appropriate resources, which already have thematic playlists.
- Watching videos and films. The visual range, in almost the same way as the background music, affects the mood and thoughts. Therefore, watching New Year's films or videos on the Internet can create the appropriate atmosphere. Especially if you watch all this in a pleasant company or with a mug of fragrant cocoa wrapped in a blanket.
- Food and drinks. Perhaps, for every season, you can find the perfect food and drink. Tangerines and oranges, chocolate, gingerbread and sugar cookies, cinnamon rolls or caramelized apples - all these goodies can have a positive effect on the mood and help catch the spirit of the New Year. Among the drinks, you can and should choose hot chocolate with marshmallows, cocoa, various tea mixtures with spices and herbs.
- Smells. Aromatherapy is something that not only affects mood and emotional background, but also affects physical well-being. For the New Year, you can pick up characteristic smells that will fill the space around with an atmosphere of celebration and magic. Such aromas undoubtedly include: pine and citrus aromas, chocolate, coffee, the smell of snow and ice, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, caramel. You can also play with your personal associations. Ask yourself what smell the New Year is associated with. Candles, essential oils, incense can be used to scent the room.
- Appropriate decor. Perhaps nothing creates a New Year mood better than multi-colored lights and garlands. Christmas decorations, New Year's attributes in the form of figurines and exquisite candlesticks, a Christmas tree or pine, cones, other New Year's and Christmas decorations at home - all this creates coziness, returns to childhood, raises spirits, and gives faith in miracles.
To all of the above, you can add a few more actions that will charge you with New Year's mood and let the expectation of a holiday and miracles into your soul:
- city walks;
- going to Christmas markets or shopping;
- buying and wrapping gifts;
- winter games and fun;
- a visit to the theater with a thematic New Year's performance;
- New Year's or just a winter photo session;
- do-it-yourself creation of holiday cards or New Year's decor;
- adding a large number of classic New Year's colors to everyday life;
- drawing up to-do lists or goals for the year ahead, creating a collage of desires for the coming twelve months;
- summing up the results of the year;
- the process of preparing for the holiday itself: choosing an outfit, creating a New Year's menu, and so on;
- replacing screensavers and backgrounds on gadgets with themed New Year's pictures and photos;
- decoration of the workplace, if possible;
- DIY cooking typical Christmas or New Year's dishes, for example, you can bake gingerbread men or gingerbread cookies in the form of snowflakes, deer;
- cutting snowflakes from paper and writing a letter to Santa Claus.