What To Do At Epiphany

What To Do At Epiphany
What To Do At Epiphany

The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord in the Orthodox tradition ends the Christmastide. It is celebrated according to the modern calendar on January 19. Numerous beliefs and traditions are associated with this holiday, many of which date back to pagan times.

What to do at Epiphany
What to do at Epiphany

The celebration begins on January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. The family gathers at the table. Only lean dishes are prepared. One of the main ones is kutia, made from rice, honey and raisins.

In the Orthodox tradition, two holidays were once divided - Epiphany and Baptism itself, which then merged into one. One of the main festive rites is Blessing of Water. Actually, the holiday dates back to the baptismal ceremony performed on the baby Jesus by John the Baptist. Therefore, it is believed that Epiphany water has special properties. It is no coincidence that on Epiphany Eve crowds of people go to Orthodox churches for holy water. However, it is believed that the most common water taken from a well on this very night is also curative. It is believed that baptismal water can heal wounds.

Returning home from church, hand over the vessel with holy water to the owner of the house. He must take a few sips and pass the water in turn to all household members. If you observe all Orthodox rituals, you should keep a consecrated willow branch behind the icon. Dip it in holy water and sprinkle every corner of your home. There will always be order and prosperity in it. If you live in a country house, be sure to sprinkle the outbuildings.

In some villages, it was believed that if you pour a few drops of Epiphany water into a well, there will always be fresh water in it. Therefore, you can perform such a ceremony. However, in this case, it is necessary to ensure that no one takes water from this well until morning. After you complete all the necessary rituals, place the vessel with holy water to the icon.

One of the main rituals of Epiphany is bathing in Jordan. It is better to do this in a lighted hole. As a rule, priests from a nearby temple warn the population in advance about where the Jordan will be. Don't forget to bring a terrycloth towel and warm, dry clothing.

Many beliefs are associated with Baptism. For example, it is generally accepted that on this night all the evil spirits walk on the ground, so you need to be careful. Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed is the most accurate. There are a lot of fortune-telling. In the old days, some of them were passed down from generation to generation. For example, the songs, under which the rings were taken out of the saucer with water, were known to all the girls of the village and knew how to interpret them. In modern villages and cities, the tradition of singing sublime songs has long disappeared, but other fortune-telling exists. The most common ones are fortune-telling on wax and on burnt paper, when they determine their fate by the figure obtained in the vessel or by the shadow on the wall. You can throw your slipper. If she turns her toe away from the house, then the girl will soon get married, if she goes to the house, she will sit in girls for at least another year.

There is a belief that if a baby is baptized at the Baptism of the Lord, he will live happily ever after. Couples who got married on this holiday live in love and harmony.
