What To Give A Child For The New Year

What To Give A Child For The New Year
What To Give A Child For The New Year

New Year's holidays are inextricably linked with the expectation of magic, and children joyfully and trustingly await from these days the fulfillment of their hopes and most cherished dreams. Therefore, parents want the New Year's present for their beloved offspring to be special, unique, with a certain twist. It is good if the child himself mentioned what he would like to receive as a gift for the holiday. Then you can make his wish come true. In other cases, you can choose a gift based on the age of your child, his characteristics and interests.

What to give a child for the New Year
What to give a child for the New Year

What to give for the New Year to a child under one year old

A wonderful New Year's gift for a child under one year old will be funny pendants for a crib or stroller, funny rattles. It is desirable that these items contain combinations of materials of different textures. The kid will be pleased with small but bright toys in the form of some animals or simple geometric shapes.

Another gift option is baby care items. It can be a set of cosmetics for children that responds to the crying of a baby, a night light, a set of bedding for a crib. All this is useful and necessary for a baby.

A child under one year old can also be presented with clothes. Babies grow up very quickly, and by the way, they will need a jumpsuit for walking in the cold season, a scarf and hats decorated with patterns, a set of flannel undershirts.

What to present for the New Year for a child from one to three years old

At this age, children are very active. They learn with interest the space around them. A one-year-old baby can be given a walker, playpen, balls, an older child - jumping ropes, various sets for playing at home or on the street.

For a child of this age, you can also purchase kits for creativity. Markers (washable, edible), finger paints are safe for the child and convenient for the parents. Also popular are drawing boards in a set with special markers.

It is advisable to choose books with large bright illustrations, cardboard, hard sheets. A child from one to three years old will also be interested in toy books. In addition, the baby's attention is attracted by moving and spinning objects - wheelchairs, cars, tumbler dolls, shimmering whirligig. And, of course, it is worth mentioning educational toys - pyramids, cubes that train hand lacing motility.

New Year's gift for a child from 3 to 6 years old

The period of active cognition of the world by the child continues. At the age of 3-6, children ask dozens of questions a day. Curious kids can be presented with books - a well-illustrated children's encyclopedia or a gift edition of a fascinating fairy tale.

Various play sets - for young cooks, bakers, doctors, hairdressers, salesmen, police officers, as well as sets of toy dishes or tools - will be a wonderful New Year's gift for a child. Children of this age also love thematic sets - beautiful houses with furniture, horses with riders and carriages, dolls with sets of accessories and clothes, soldiers or Indians, a railway with steam locomotives.

Children 3-6 years old love to build and destroy, collect and scatter. The thirst for such activity can be easily satisfied with all kinds of constructors and sets for the construction of toy structures.

New Year's gift for a child from 6 to 10 years old

Hobbies and interests are actively formed in children of this age, they are influenced not only by family members, but also by schoolmates. A child 6-10 years old can be presented with radio-controlled models - robots, airplanes, cars, boats and helicopters. Interactive complex toys, moving and responding to the voice, will also be an excellent present. If a child wants to take care of someone, take care of, and you do not have the opportunity to have a pet, give your child a tamagocchi - a virtual pet.

Knowing the area of interest of the child, please him with an embroidery kit or a model of an airplane that you want to assemble with your own hands. Sets for a young designer, artist, chemist, graceful pointe shoes for a future ballerina, a synthesizer - all this will delight your child.

Children often imitate adults, they often want to be like them. Therefore, you can buy an elegant box and fill it with stylish jewelry for a girl, or give the boy a waterproof wristwatch. Various gadgets are also very popular. In addition, you can please your child with wireless headphones, an original accessory for an existing mobile device, a new PSP or computer game.

New Year's gift for a child over 10 years old

Older children are extremely finicky, however, you can pick up a gift for them. For sports teenagers, a punching bag, basketball, kimono, skis or skates are perfect, depending on what kind of sport your child is doing.

If your child has a talent for photography, you can hand him a DSLR. If he draws well, donate a graphic tablet.

However, it is not necessary to present the teenager with an expensive gift. The most important thing for a child is your attention to him, his interests and desires. Arrange a real holiday for your child, surround him with care and love, show him that he is very important to you.
