Many people begin to wait for Friday evening from Monday, because it, like a small holiday, prepares people for the upcoming weekend getaway. So that Friday evening hours are not wasted, consider them as a mini-weekend, after which you will not need to go to work for two whole days.

Step 1
The first thing that comes to mind after the last working day of the week is to meet with all friends or relatives who have been waiting for their turn for a long time. The sociable "ringleaders", as a rule, do not have a question of what to do on Fridays, because their phones are always in touch and start ringing at lunchtime. Throwing a noisy party at home or in a nightclub is one of the traditional Friday options. Gather a company of 5-7 people, preferably those who will be pleased to be in the company of the rest of the guests, put on the most beautiful outfit and go towards the drive.
Step 2
Clubs can be replaced with pizza at home, games and contests. Alternatively, play a game like this. Each should write 7-10 famous personalities on small strips of paper. They gather in a hat and mix, and the participants are divided into pairs. The essence of the game is that the participant, without looking, takes out a piece of paper with a name and tries to explain to the other what kind of celebrity he got. The difficulty and fun of the game lies in the fact that only 30 seconds are given for the "explanations", and the goal of the game is to guess as many heroes as possible, unlike other pairs. Then the couples switch roles.
Step 3
You can also go to a cozy coffee shop, visit the theater, cinema, or spend a romantic evening with your other half. By the way, Friday night is also suitable for making first dates. Invite each other to your favorite restaurants, or, on the contrary, look where you have never been before.
Step 4
It's a good idea to set the stage for an upcoming weekend picnic on Friday. Namely - to invite friends, marinate a kebab, pack a barbecue and a tent. If you are not very fond of chewing barbecue in nature, giving yourself up to be eaten by mosquitoes, run to the station, get on a train or commuter train and arrange a short trip to a neighboring city or region for the weekend.