International Beauty Day is celebrated annually on September 9th. This holiday was established in 1995 at the initiative of the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology. Since then, it has been celebrated in many countries around the world, organizing beauty contests and many other themed events.

International Beauty Day is a celebration for all people, and not just for those who have a model appearance. That is why on September 9 it is customary to celebrate the attractiveness and special charm inherent in fragile, thin girls, and ladies with curvaceous forms, and women of tall or short stature. In some countries, on this day, luxurious festivals and processions dedicated to beauty are even organized, and at these events you can see people of all heights, weights, etc.
To emphasize the value of both the mental and physical beauty of people, specific beauty contests are held in which girls who do not meet the accepted model standards participate. This partly contributes to the destruction of the cult of "perfect appearance" and helps to increase the self-esteem of women who are not allowed to parade on the catwalks and be photographed for fashion magazines. Often such contests are arranged or sponsored by cosmetics manufacturers. In addition, they can conduct open master classes, thanks to which girls can learn to correct their appearance and hide imperfections with the help of cosmetics.
On September 9, you can organize your own beauty contests at home or corporate parties. At the same time, it is recommended to come up with original nominations: for example, "Mister Beautiful Smile" or "Miss Easy Walk". If there are enough nominations, each participant will be able to receive a small prize and take at least third place in one of the competitions.
International Beauty Day is considered a professional holiday for makeup artists, stylists, fashion designers, plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, hairdressers and other professionals who help people to become more attractive. September 9 is supposed to congratulate such professionals. In addition, employees of spas and other establishments related to the beauty industry can host a themed corporate party in honor of their holiday.