How Not To Get Better On Vacation

How Not To Get Better On Vacation
How Not To Get Better On Vacation

The "All inclusive" tours so beloved among Russians have at least one important drawback: upon returning from the resort, girls often notice that such hated extra pounds, which they managed to get rid of with great difficulty before the start of the vacation, have returned again. To prevent this, while resting, you need to monitor your diet and level of physical activity.

How not to get better on vacation
How not to get better on vacation

Try to stick to a specific diet. If you normally eat three meals a day, stick to that schedule while on holiday. In this case, it is preferable to eat at about the same time.

Choose your meals carefully. Of course, you should not completely deny yourself desserts or sweets, but stick to the rule: cakes, pancakes and any other high-calorie dishes - only in the morning and only in reasonable quantities.

Try to keep your diet based on fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meats and fish. Avoid eating fried foods or high-calorie sauces. In addition, do not overuse fast food: you are unlikely to get new taste experiences, but you will definitely earn a couple of extra centimeters.

It is no secret that a considerable part of our diet on vacation is all sorts of snacks and drinks: ice cream, beer, cola, alcoholic cocktails. If possible, minimize their use, because they are the most detrimental to the figure during rest. If you are thirsty, do not try to quench it with sugary sodas, but go for pure bottled water or sugar-free green tea.

Even if the main purpose of your stay at the resort is to bask in the sun, make your vacation as active as possible. Keep in mind that you will get a more even tan by playing beach volleyball or participating in contests organized by the animators. When resting by the sea, be sure to swim. Bathing in seawater promotes weight loss and benefits the skin. It is also helpful to do steps, bends, or squats in the water.

In the morning, before the heat hits, do a small set of exercises or take a short run along the seashore. This will invigorate you and speed up your metabolism. In addition, do not give up excursions and discos - this way you can combine business with pleasure.
