What Holidays Are Celebrated On May 5

What Holidays Are Celebrated On May 5
What Holidays Are Celebrated On May 5

May is extremely rich in memorable dates. On the fifth day, the name day is celebrated by Vitaly, Vsevolod, Dmitry, Kliment and Fedor. Also on this day are the International Day for the Fight against Discrimination with Disabilities and the professional holiday of midwives.

May 5 - International Day of Disabled Persons for Their Rights
May 5 - International Day of Disabled Persons for Their Rights

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a holiday celebrated annually around the world on May 5th. The date was not chosen by chance: on this day in 1992, people with disabilities from 17 different states simultaneously held large-scale actions, thereby marking the first time the International Day for the Fight for Their Rights. The holiday exists in order to draw the attention of government agencies and the general public to the problems of ailism - discrimination against people with disabilities. This holiday should not be confused with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated on the 3rd December.

In English-speaking countries, the word "disabled" is considered politically incorrect; instead, the term disabled people should be used, which is translated into Russian as "people with disabilities."

International Midwife Day

On May 5, representatives of one of the most important professions on Earth - midwives - celebrate their professional holiday. The commemorative date was established at the initiative of the International Association of Midwives in 1987 at a conference in the Netherlands. The key goal of the festival is to inform society about the importance of the work of people, thanks to which millions of children are born every year. It is the quality of their work that largely determines the course of childbirth, the health of the mother and child. Midwives accompany mothers from the moment of their admission to the hospital until discharge, provide both medical and moral support.

Today, International Day of Midwives is celebrated in more than 50 countries around the world.

Liberation Day of the Netherlands

A kind of Victory Day is celebrated on the 5th in the Netherlands. On this day in 1945, the act of surrender of German troops in the country was signed. The anniversary of the liberation is celebrated everywhere, the country's leadership participates in the solemn events, and Queen Beatrix is traditionally present at the evening concert in Amsterdam.

Children's Day in Japan and South Korea

In Japan, the 5th of May is traditionally the Boys' Festival, or Tango-no-sekku. The name is translated into Russian as "Feast of the first day of the horse." The horse symbolizes among the Japanese courage, courage and courage, in a word, all those qualities that an excellent warrior should have. The second name of the festival is Shobu no sekku ("Iris Festival"). May is the time of flowering of irises in Japan, these flowers are symbols of success and health.

The emergence of Tango-no-sekku is attributed to the first centuries of our era. Then this holiday was timed to coincide with the onset of spring and the beginning of field work. People worshiped the spirits of trees and plants and, among other things, prayed for the gift of male vitality, longevity and prosperity of the clan.

There is a similar holiday in South Korea. In Korean, its name sounds like "Orinin nal". In 1923 it was given the status of a state, and in 1975 it became a day off. Orinin nal is celebrated all over the country with noisy entertainment and sports events for children.
