Almost every specialty has its own date, which is celebrated as a professional holiday. There are such dates for creative professions. Although the specialty "poet" does not exist as such, they have their own holiday and it takes place on March 21st. The name of this holiday is World Poetry Day.

Step 1
For the first time they started talking about creating a holiday of poets back in the first half of the 20th century, and the American Tessa Webb became the initiator of the proposal. The poetess suggested that this date be timed to coincide with the birthday of the famous philosopher and poet Virgil - October 15. Already in 1951, this day began to be celebrated not only in many states, but also in other countries, however, it was not recognized as a world and official one at that time. Only in 1999, at a regular UNESCO conference, it was decided to establish an international holiday - World Poetry Day. This was supposed to breathe new life into the poetic movement. For the first time, the holiday was celebrated on March 21, 2000 in Paris, since the headquarters of UNESCO is located there. The date was not chosen by chance: March 21 is also the day of the vernal equinox, which implies the renewal of nature, and therefore creative inspiration.
Step 2
Literary and poetry evenings, meetings of poets with readers, and summing up the results of poetry competitions are held all over the world on this day. Small publishing houses specializing in poetry, aspiring poets, with the help of experienced and renowned masters, can make a name for themselves. On theatrical stages, in cultural centers, at large book fairs and in other cultural institutions, you can listen to the performances of poets, and this is not always an ordinary reading of poetry. Modern poets can delight even with songs with poetry and music of their own composition. After the events, usually creative people share their future plans, discuss their own and other people's creativity, poems, and also share their experience with each other. All these events are covered by various media, which is good not only for readers, but also for publishers - advertising remains the engine of commerce. Poetry now does not belong to well-paid creativity, and therefore it is very difficult for poets and their publishers to break through.
Step 3
In Russia, the Day of Poetry is traditionally held on the stages of theaters. In Moscow, this is usually the stage of the Moscow Art Theater and the Taganka Theater. Other mass events are held at the National Center for Contemporary Arts. The holiday is celebrated not only by established poets and their readers, but also by workers of publishing houses of literary magazines and newspapers, students of philological faculties and other humanitarian areas, some gymnasiums and schools. Libraries and literary circles organize their own holidays, and not only the Day of Poetry, but also a week, or even a month of poetry. The holiday dedicated to World Poetry Day is a very important event in the life of poets, their readers and especially modern children, who clearly lack sources of spiritual development. Poems were and will be a way of self-realization for authors and a source of inspiration and answers to important questions for readers.