The city's birthday is a global holiday on a grand scale. There is only one birthday boy, and there are a lot of people who want to congratulate him. Therefore, the organization of the City Day celebration is a very troublesome and costly event. After all, you need to foresee and take into account so many different important nuances.

Step 1
Work out the holiday program in detail. It should include various competitions, and mass celebrations, and educational and informational events, and, of course, a festive gala concert. All actions should be designed for a different target audience: for kids - special playgrounds where they can draw with crayons, blow bubbles, run, etc.; for youth - sporting events, performances of youth groups, etc.; for people of the older generation - dance floors, gatherings in the park, clubs of interest. The main thing is that everyone can find something to their liking.
Step 2
Think over the design of both the entire city as a whole, and those places where the bulk of the events will take place. It is desirable that everything be thematically decorated. Make or order flags and flags indicating the date of your city's founding. Decorate the venues with ribbons, balloons, etc. In some cases, the sites are also decorated with the Russian tricolor. It is also customary to use additional illumination in the evenings - lanterns, garlands, etc.
Step 3
Develop an action plan to honor the city's heroes. Usually, it is on the City Day that various titles are awarded, for example, "Honorary Citizen". Also, awards are also given out on the birthday of the municipality.
Step 4
Distribute areas of responsibility - it can be either whole districts or separate courtyards and streets - identify a responsible person in each of them and collect their proposals for holding a city-scale holiday. These people will be responsible for organizing events in the territories entrusted to them.
Step 5
Invite the brightest and most famous stars. These can be popular artists, both local and federal, as well as of global importance. It depends on what the budget of your event is calculated on. It is on them that the main program of the holiday rests. Therefore, as a rule, their performances close the City Day celebrations, being the most culminating moment of the celebration.
Step 6
Don't forget about pyrotechnics, of course. Spectacular fireworks are ideal for ending a festive evening.
Step 7
Solve the transport problem as well. To do this, allocate more units of public transport on the line and extend its travel time by an hour or two. Thus, most of the celebrating townspeople will be able to safely get home at the end of all the festive events.