Features Of Steam In A Russian Bath: Temperature, Humidity

Features Of Steam In A Russian Bath: Temperature, Humidity
Features Of Steam In A Russian Bath: Temperature, Humidity

Bath procedures are present in the culture of many peoples, but the peculiarity of the Russian bath is the steam emanating from the stove-heater when a small portion of boiling water splashes on the hot stones. At the same time, a certain temperature and humidity are created in the steam room, which have a curative effect on the human body.

steam in the Russian bath
steam in the Russian bath

If we compare two main indicators: temperature and humidity, then for a Russian bath 60 ° C heat and 40-60% humidity - these ratios are the most optimal. And the main advantage of the Russian bath is their mild effect on the human body.

Steam can be roughly divided into heavy and light. Such differences are determined based on the size of the water droplets. If the steam contains a large amount of large water droplets, it is a heavy steam that is harmful to the lungs. Only transparent vapor is useful, as dispersed as possible, in which water molecules are mixed with air molecules. The higher the humidity, the more difficult it becomes to create useful light steam. With the correct construction of the stove, the stones can be heated up to 500-700 ° C, and the steam dispersion will be maximum. When preparing a Russian bath, you should take into account that with a humidity of 90%, the air temperature cannot be higher than 60 ° C. For the elderly and people with weakened immunity, the air temperature should be reduced to 45-55 ° C.

For a comfortable increase in temperatures, the bath is conventionally divided into zones. The lowest (20-25 ° C) is in the dressing room, in the washing room it reaches 30 ° C, and the temperature range in the steam room ranges from 50 to 80 ° C. In this case, the healing effect is achieved not only due to the high temperature, but also by temperature changes, which are a kind of training for the vessels of the circulatory system. High temperature for people suffering from chronic heart disease, colds and for those who are intoxicated is categorically unacceptable.

Humidity should be minimal in the dressing room and maximum in the steam room. Directly in the steam room, the humidity is regulated by the steamers themselves, that is, it depends on the amount and temperature of the water that they throw on the stones. The higher the temperature and the lower the amount of this water, the lighter and healthier the steam. The healing properties of steam are enhanced by the addition of aromatic essential oils or herbal infusions. The correct supply of flavored water begins with the first scoop of pure boiling water, and then alternates with water with additives and pure water. Thus, boiling water is poured onto the stones with a ladle alternately.
