Whipping with a broom is a kind of massage that enhances blood circulation, contributes to the contrast of body temperature, ensures intensive blood circulation and metabolism. When using a broom in a bath, the skin pores open and various toxins and microbes are washed out of them. Broom leaves contain substances such as phytoncides, which neutralize the action of a variety of pathogenic microbes and prevent skin aging. There are many ways to steam brooms, but our ancestors used only two options, which are still very relevant to this day.

Step 1
Dip the broom in a container with very cold water for 3-4 minutes, then in a container with water at room temperature and, finally, in hot water (but not in boiling water, otherwise the leaves will fall off the broom). Moreover, at the last stage, it is advisable to cover the container so that the broom can thoroughly steam and smell with its excellent aroma. The broom will be saturated with moisture, the leaves will become soft and silky.
Step 2
Dip the broom in ice-cold water for 10-12 hours. Then, before using it, wrap the broom in a damp cloth and place it on the lower shelf in the bath for 6-7 minutes. After this procedure, the broom will be fragrant and soft.