For most, the word "grandfather" evokes bright childhood memories. After all, grandfather gave what he had dreamed of for a long time, knew the answer to the most intricate questions, knew how to tell such an interesting story, which they listened to with bated breath. It was easy and simple with my grandfather. Because grandfather is part of childhood itself. Children grow up, become more mature, and now the day comes when the question arises - what gift to give grandfather for his birthday to please him?

Intellectual and thought gift
Of course, these gifts include literary publications, and you can find out which genre your grandfather prefers, for example, from your grandmother. Electronic libraries will do, and in order to preserve grandfather's vision, give him an audiobook. You can also buy checkers, backgammon or a set of charades if he likes them.
A practical gift
Such gifts will appeal to any man over 40, because at this age, practicality is valued above romanticism. A comfortable chair for a summer residence, waterproof boots, a folding umbrella, a leather wallet (and it is also worthwhile to secretly consult with your grandmother about what your grandfather has in mind) will do just fine. If the grandfather is driving, then a car organizer, car covers, an additional carpet in the salon or a portable car wash will be a wonderful gift.
Technology gift
Technologies in our century are striding forward by leaps and bounds. A universal adapter for connecting different devices, a satellite TV set-top box, a new model mobile phone will certainly delight the birthday boy. It is important that it is easy to learn how to use the innovation.
Sports gift
Many grandfathers retain their athletic form even at a respectable age, especially since they received a good boost of vigor for life by looking after their restless grandchildren and granddaughters. For such physically educated grandfathers in modern shopping centers, hundreds of exercise equipment are offered to choose from (exercise bikes, dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands, and so on). Many people will love a tracksuit or running shoes. However, you may easily like a badminton or table tennis set.
Household gift
It is important to clarify in which role the grandfather is more comfortable to be. An avid traveler will need binoculars, a navigator, and a compass. Anyone who loves to build something with his own hands - a lawn mower, a garden tool, an electric planer or an electric jigsaw, a sander or a screwdriver. The angler will always be glad to have a new rod and other accessories for successful fishing.
However, when thinking about birthday gifts, notice that unexpected and beautiful and necessary things are, of course, wonderful and very pleasant. But if your grandfather is under 70, then he needs your attention and care more. Try to meet with your grandfather more often, then it will be easier to choose a gift.