A lighted candle has at all times been considered a symbol of renewal. People believed that all troubles and adversities burned in its flame. Light, on the other hand, personified new life, rebirth. Once, candles were only available to wealthy people, they were kept for special occasions. Candles were always lit on Christmas and New Year's Eve. This tradition - to illuminate homes with living fire - has survived to this day.

Candles that were meant for holidays such as New Year's or Christmas were made and painted by hand in the past. The craftsmen put all their skills, soul and love into making candles. Such items have always been very expensive and very valuable.
One legend says that earlier candles were placed by the window so that they could be seen from afar to all travelers who follow their star.
One of the Western traditions is associated with lighting candles before the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, the youngest guest (or the youngest member of the family), together with the oldest, went around the whole house and lit many multi-colored candles in each room.
In ancient times, on New Year's Eve, it was necessary to extinguish all the old lights (candles, torches, hearths) and light new ones. At the same time, it was necessary to carry out such a ritual of lighting what was needed exclusively from a clean (fresh) flame, so that in the coming year everything would contribute to revival.
Numerous legends say that people looked at the stars on a festive night and believed that thanks to the magic light they would be able to live in a new wonderful world, they would be able to become more beautiful, wiser, and stronger. That is why a star was fixed on the top of the tree, which was associated with a celestial comet, with the messenger of Heaven, forever connecting people and stars. And in order to preserve the unity of heavenly bodies and man, a lot of flickering candles burning around the clock were lit on the festive tree. They were a kind of symbols of the union of earthly and heavenly light.