Not all parents have the opportunity to properly organize a baby show for everyone. In this case, according to American tradition, the holiday is arranged in advance.

Celebration traditions
The undoubted plus of such an event is that the expectant mother is not yet immersed in a huge amount of troubles that necessarily arise after the birth of a child, during pregnancy it is easier for her to find an opportunity to pay attention to friends and colleagues. Americans call such a holiday in honor of pregnancy a baby shower, according to tradition, close friends should organize it, but more and more often expectant mothers themselves are engaged in this.
Baby shower can be translated as "baby shower" or "baby shower", this name should be understood as follows: the expectant mother is showered with rain of a gift for her child. Gifts can be spontaneous or purchased according to a specially compiled list, the latter option seems too pragmatic to many compatriots, because such a list literally dictates to guests what they should buy, but it removes many problems in preparation for childbirth and eliminates the possibility of receiving duplicate gifts.
By tradition, only women are present at the baby shower, it is believed that it is imperative to invite someone who already has a child. During the holiday, women treat themselves, communicate, give advice and enjoy their time.
Event organisation
First of all, you need to decide on a place for such an event. The most comfortable thing, of course, is to spend it in your own apartment, especially if the pregnancy is not going very smoothly. If you want to have a baby shower in a cafe or restaurant, rent the whole room to exclude the presence of strangers.
Make a list of invitees. It is best to send invitations by regular mail, but you can also use email. Try not to invite people who can hardly stand each other, this can ruin the holiday. If you don't have time to send out invitations, just call all the guests and invite verbally. It is advisable to do this a few weeks before the holiday so that everyone has enough time to prepare.
Think about the theme of the party and the menu. It is best to decorate the room in one style. If you know that you will have a boy, decorate the room in blue, but if you have a daughter, use pink. If possible, order a treat in the style you have chosen. It is best to use portioned food and organize a buffet table, it is much more convenient than the common table, especially if you are already on a decent date. The buffet table allows guests to taste different dishes, creates a relaxed atmosphere and encourages communication.
Do not forget the music, quiet melodies in the background create the right mood, add sophistication to the event. The main thing is that the music should not be too loud, so as not to interfere with the guests' communication.